Saturday, November 17, 2012


Welcome to The Ancient Book of Time Blog. I will be posting about interesting events and insights as related to an Ancient Symbolic Astrology System based on the regular deck of cards, along with Numerological and Astrological information, as well.

To begin, I have started this Blog on November 1st, 2012. November 1st is a 6 of Diamonds day and 6 is the Number of Venus, the ruler of Libra, representing the Scales. Diamonds are perceived as money, or things of worth and corresponds with the Element of Earth (Diamonds come from the Earth.) At face value this day can be looked at as Karmic (6/Venus/Libra/Scales of Justice) with regards to money and/or worth (Diamond.) The 6/Scales can also show us balance and harmony, or looking for it and through this weighing out process, lead us to the Truth. Diamonds being of Earth defines this Truth as solid and something of worth.

In the Life Plate, the 6 of Diamonds falls in the Mercury Column/Jupiter Line. Mercury represents information, communication and Jupiter, a beneficial planet representing expansion and wealth. November 1st falls under the Sign of Scorpio which is ruled by the Planet Mars, making the Planetary Sign Card for the 6 of Diamonds the 10 of Diamonds, it's Natal Mars Card falls in the Jupiter/Jupiter Position known as the "Blessed" position bringing success, abundance and insight.

One is naturally ruled by the Sun, but since the 6 of Diamonds is considered the Sun (1) Card, to find the Planetary Number Card for a Number 1 day, we turn to Chaldean Numerology. Since the ancients could only see out to the Planet Saturn, they had no planetary associations for the Numbers 4 (Uranus) and 7 (Neptune). They assigned the Number 7 as the secondary Number of the Moon and the Number 4 as the secondary Number of the Sun. Using this it gives us the A of Diamonds as the Planetary Number Card (Natal Uranus Card) for November 1st. The A of Diamonds creates a strong desire for worth as well as shinning in one's worth. It also falls in the Jupiter line, but in the Neptune Column bringing an expansive, spiritual influence.

With a strong Jupiter influence, along with the Neptune and Mercury, I hope to bring expansive, spiritual information through this Blog, that is practical, truthful and earthly (6 of Diamonds.)

Tom Morrell
King of Hearts

To learn more of this amazing system, check out the website: