Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Passing of Mario Cuomo

Mario Cuomo

©2015 by Thomas Morrell

The former Governor of New York died Thursday January 1st of a heart attack. The Mystic Receptions within his Yearly Chart, show why they can be so important in the timing of events. First let’s look at some other Charts at the time of his death.

In his 28 Year Chart, he was in his Neptune Period and had the 9 of Hearts in that position. The 9 of Hearts usually represents a loss, disappointment or ending in love, or with people.

In his 7 Year Chart he had the King of Spades in Uranus – I call the King of Spades the God Card as through my discovery and creation of the Name Card technique, the first word I used it on was God and it came out the King of Spades, the highest Card in the deck. I have seen when people pass on, the God Card is present, perhaps representing a returning to God.

In his Lunar Chart he was in his 4 Day Mercury Period and had the King of Spades, again the God Card and under Mercury, the event could happen very quick. It makes a Mystic Conjunction with the King of Spades in Uranus in the 7 Year Chart, the Uranus energy would make it unexpected, as well. Lunar Charts are 28 Days long and Mario Cuomo’s Birth Card was sitting dead center atop the Crown Line, bringing him prominence and recognition at this time.

In his 91 Day Seasonal Chart he was in his 13 Day Venus Period and had the 8 of Hearts in that position. The 8 of Hearts is a powerful Heart Card governed by Saturn and by itself could possibly signify a heart attack. It was displacing the JC/JD tying it by Mystic Reception to the 7 of Spades (health challenges) that was displacing the JD/3S. The 7 of Spades is also the Inner Soul Card to the 8 or Hearts, making the connection a little more important.

In his Weekly Chart, it was his Jupiter Day and under his Birth Card (2D) he had the 9 of Hearts in that position creating a Mystic Conjunction with the 9 of Hearts in the 28 Year Chart. Under his Planetary Sign Card he had the 9 of Spades, one of the traditional Death Cards.

In his Yearly Chart he was in his 52 Day Jupiter Period and had the 5 of Spades in that position, this can indicate a change in one’s health. Using another technique discovered by Thomas Morrell, his Saturn Card would also come into play. He had the 4 of Clubs in that position and while the 4 of Club in and of itself is not really a card of health concern, it was displacing the 7 of Spades which creates not only a Mystic Conjunction with the 7 of Spades in the Seasonal Chart, but also a Mystic Reception to the 7 of Spades in the Moon position within the Yearly Chart. The 7 Spades the Moon Card for the year was displacing the 6 of Spades, another of the traditional Death Cards in the system.

It easy to see with the Cards present at the time of this event, it created the window for his Soul to move on to his next adventure.

*About the Author:

Thomas Morrell has been studying and using the card system for over 24 years. In the mid to late 1990's he has made some incredible discoveries regarding the System, including newer ones since.

Understanding the basis of the rate of progression through the 90 Plates, which revealed 5 new Charts; the 364 Year Chart (the real Life Chart), the 28 Year Saturn Chart, the 91 Day Seasonal Chart, the 28 Day Lunar Chart and the true 7 Day Weekly Chart. Previously only the 91 Year, 7 Year and Yearly were known.

Created the Alphabet/Card Value Key so one can calculate the Card for any Name and along with this, how to determine the Planetary Ruling Card for a Name.

The System’s intimate connection with Chaldean Numerology and through this discovering the true Planetary Sign Card for those born under the Sign of Leo and Cancer and the discovery of the Planetary Number Card, along with daily triggers within the Weekly Charts, other than the Direct Card. Understanding more deeply the meaning and essence of each Card through it’s Number and Planetary association from the Aces to the Kings.

Mystic Receptions that not only happen within the same Chart, but across Charts in effect at the same time, causing important triggers for events and situations.

Mystic Conjunctions that happen when the same Plate is in effect in different Charts at the same time and can also happen with the same card in effect in different Charts in different Plates.

Recognizing the Card behind the Birth, or Planetary Sign Card as the Synastry/Theme card and it’s important role in the Chart.

The Mathematical formula on which the System and the configuration of the 90 Plates are based.

Created an Aspectarian to show the aspect (Square, Opposition, etc.) each Card makes to the Zodiac Sign a person is born under.