On November 13th, 2015, 130 people were killed and hundreds wounded in Paris after an attack claimed by ISIS. As shown in the new book “The God Clock – a new look at the passage of time” even locations have their circles of time unfolding and in this case, the current Republic of France was formed on 9/22/1792, which is the point its circles started unfolding. Using The Ancient Book of Time* we can look to specific time markers and periods/symbols within it, to see the influences present at the time of this event.
With the Republic of France being formed on 9/22, the symbol represented by this day is the 2 of Clubs. While we could go into a complete Natal delineation of the 2 of Clubs, in this article we are more concerned with the events that occurred recently.
France is currently 223 years old and within its current 28 year Saturn Chart it is in its 4 year Neptune Period. It has the 4 of Clubs in that position and what it interesting is not the 4 of Clubs in and of itself, but that it is tied to the Pluto Card (the Jack of Clubs)*, which is displacing the 4 of Hearts, which just happens to be the card for the name* ISIS.
In the 7 Year Chart in effect now France is in its 1 Year Neptune Period. The Card in this position is the 8 of Spades – this is a card of power, force and healing, which France is doing now. Another interesting aspect at play here is the 8 of Spades is also displacing the 4 of Hearts. Again the card of the name of ISIS.
In its current Yearly Chart, France was in its 52 day Venus Period at the time of the event and had the Ace of Spades in that position, the card of a powerful transformation. It is also one of the traditional death cards in the system. The Ace of Spades was displacing the 2 of Clubs, the Birth Card of France, creating a trigger for the event.*
Looking at France’s 91 day Seasonal Chart it was in its 13 day Saturn Period. Saturn Periods can be tough and in this position was the 4 of Hearts, again, the card of the name for ISIS. What makes it even more impressive is the 4 of Hearts was displacing the Jack of Clubs, the card is it was linked to in the 28 Year Chart! The 2 of Clubs was also sitting in the 2 of Diamonds box in this chart – we will get into that significance in a moment.
In the 28 Day Lunar Chart, France was in its 4 day Neptune Period and had the 7 of Clubs there, the card of anxiety, as well as, challenges and obstacles. The Saturn Card for the 28 Day Chart was the 9 of Spades, difficult loss and another traditional death card in the system.
In the 7 Day Weekly Chart, there was something very interesting at play, on November 13th France was its Jupiter Day for the week and in the Jupiter position was the 2 of Diamonds. The interesting part was that in the Seasonal Chart, France was displacing the 2 of Diamonds, so when this day/card came along it acted as a trigger. Another interesting aspect is that the 2 of Diamonds, in the Weekly Chart was sitting up in the center of the Crown Line, bringing with it much attention – unfortunately for a bad reason.
While there is more depth and layers to this event as revealed in the Card System, a quick glance shows us the significant symbols and placements involved at the time of this tragic event and the importance of the Card of the Name, as well.*
* Receptions, Displacements, Triggers, Cards of Names, etc. are all part of The Ancient Book of Time and discoveries of Thomas Morrell. The 364 Year, 28 Year, 91 Day, 28 Day and 7 Day Charts are also just some of his other remarkable discoveries, as well. You can learn more about these in his Books and teachings.