by Thomas Morrell
Nancy Reagan, wife to former President Ronald Reagan passed away on March 6th 2016. She was formerly an American Actress and was the First Lady of the United States from 1981 to 1989.
Someone’s passing is a great way to look at the Cards and what is going on, as it is an important and critical point in people’s lives and in the lives in others around them. Let’s take a look at what was going on with Nancy Reagan at the time of her passing.
First, it is interesting she was born on a 6 day and passed on a number 6 day. 6 is the Number of Venus and was reflected in her looks as she was an attractive lady and known for her style. Born on July 6th made her a 9 of Diamonds. Mars in Earth, driven towards worth.
The amazing thing that sticks out looking at the Cards, is the fact that in all of the Card Charts from the Year on down she was in her Saturn Period in each of them. In the Yearly Chart she was in her 52 day Saturn Period, in her 91 day Seasonal Chart she was in her 13 day Saturn Period, in her 28 day Lunar Chart she was in her 4 day Saturn Period and in her 7 day Weekly Chart it was her Saturn day.
In the 28 Year Chart she had the 4 of Hearts in effect. This is significant as that is her Natal Saturn Card. In her 7 Year Chart was the 4 of Spades and what makes this significant is that the 9 of Clubs in Saturn in her Yearly Chart is displacing the 4 of Spades. In the 91 day Seasonal Chart her 9 of Diamonds Birth Card is displacing the 4 of Spades and her Sun Return Card was the Ace of Hearts, possibly representing the congestive heart failure from which she died. Many times it isn’t obvious at first, but when you look at all the charts in play, you start to see the connections made between them and what ties them together.
In the 28 day Lunar Chart she had the Ace of Clubs in Saturn, possibly indicating what she was remembered for the significant things she said. The interesting part of her Lunar Chart is that in the Mayan Time Grid * it was a 4 day Mars Period and her Mars Card was the King of Spades, known as the God Card. Many times when people die the King of Spades is present, signifying a possible return to God.
While the Charts so far have given a glimpse into what is going on and how they are connected, the Weekly Chart really showed the trigger and timing. First we have her Birth Card, the 9 of Diamonds sitting in her Natal Saturn position displacing both the 4 of Hearts (the Card in effect in the 28 Year Chart) and the 4 of Spades, a Card in play in the 7 Year, Yearly and Seasonal 91 day Chart. It was her Saturn Day and had the 4 of Hearts in that position (4 of Hearts again) The 4 of Hearts was sitting in the Transformation Box as it is the home for the 9 of Spades and 6 of Spades, both traditional death cards in the system. Her Mercury Card for the week was the 9 of Spades and since the Card in effect was displacing the 9 of Spades, it connects to it by reception. Again, the 9 of Spades being one of the death cards.
In this case, the Weekly Chart really shows what was going on and tied all the larger Charts into it creating the trigger for this event, along with the 4 charts from a Year on down were all in their Saturn Periods. Quite remarkable and a good illustration of someone living past the age of 90.
Nancy Reagan will be remembered for her glamour, her poise and her “just say no” campaign against drugs.
Thomas Morrell copyright 2016
* The Mayan Time Grids is a new concept of time from Thomas Morrell revealed in his new book, “The God Clock, a new look at the passage of time” now available in paper back and kindle on amazon.