by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
General David Petraeus resigned from his post as the Director of the CIA due to an extra marital affair on November 9, 2012.
General Petraeus was born on November 7, 1952 making him a King of Clubs. The King of Clubs is the highest Card in the Club Suit which rules information, communication and knowledge. Usually people who are this card are in positions of authority where decisions need to be made and tasks delegated.
In the Ancient Book of Time System the progressions through the 90 plates are based on the Orbits of Saturn, the Earth and the Moon, or seasons of those motions. A very interesting configuration unique to the Ancient Book of Time system occurs within the progression tables at the ages of 30, 60 and 90 – in the Yearly, 91 day Seasonal, 28 day Lunar and True 7 Day Weekly, they all line up on Plates 30, 60 and 90 respectively. (This does not happen in any other version of the Card System.)
In Chaldean Numerology, which I believe is part of the foundation of this system, the Numbers 3,6 and 9 are considered to be an important series of Numbers. The Numbers 30, 60 and 90 reduce to 3,6 and 9 – 3+0=3. 6+0=6 and 9+0=9.
General Petraeus turned 60 years old just 2 days before he resigned. This means that the Yearly, Seasonal, Lunar and Weekly Charts were all derived from Plate 60. In all 4 charts at the time he had the 9 of Spades as his Synastry Card. This is the Card directly behind the Sun/Birth Card and is the theme of the chart. The 9 of Spades would signify and ending, loss, or disappointment in dealing with one’s work, health and/or lifestyle. The 9 of Spades was displacing the 5 of Clubs/5 of Hearts position meaning change was in the air, especially in regards to plans and relationships.
He would be in his Mercury Period in all 4 of the Charts except the Weekly, in which it was his Mars Day. In Mercury on Plate 60 he had the Queen of Spades in that position, which can indicate a communication, or information about a woman. It was displacing the Ace of Spades, which is the Card of hidden secrets. The Vertical Mercury Card is the 9 of Diamonds indication an ending, or loss in dealing with finances. (The Ancient Book of Time System shifts columns when reading Vertical Cards, just as you do when reading the Direct Cards horizontally.)
This perfectly describes the events at the time as Petraeus resigned from his post as CIA Director due to an affair he had had with a women. With all the smaller Charts all derived from Plate 60 at the time, I am sure it was a significant change or shift in this lifetime for him.
In the larger 28 year Chart, he started a 4 year Venus Period at age 60 and has the 4 of Hearts there. In this case it most likely signifies a rebuilding (4) of his marriage (4H) and how he relates to women (Venus Period)
In his 7 Year Chart (The Seasonal Chart of Saturn) at age 60 he was in a Year long Saturn Period and had the 9 of Clubs in that position. Saturn usually has lessons to teach us and with the 9 of Clubs in that position his lessons would be with the ending or loss of plans, ideas, etc.
I am sure things will work out for the best, but I thought it interesting to show not only the clarity of the Cards in effect at the time, but also the importance of the evolutionary and unique alignments that occur during our lifetimes in The Ancient Book of Time System.