by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
On February 17th, country star Mindy McCready took her own life, about one month after her boy friend was found dead. She was born on 11/30/1975 making her a 3 of Hearts, the card of the performer.
Looking her current Yearly Chart on Plate 37 there are some obvious indicators it might not be a good year, along with other not so obvious placments that reveal the events that recently transpired.
Her Sun Return Card for the year (the card that returned to her original Life Plate Sun Card position) is the 6 of Spades. A Sun Return Card in the Yearly Chart is what surrounds us for the year. The 6 of Spades can indicate some adjustments or compromises that need to be made in order to have a sense of balance. It is also one of the traditional death cards, as well.
The Synastry Card is the one right behind our Sun Card and can define the theme of the chart. The 7 of Clubs is there and this can create a lot of anxiety, along with the sense of many challenges with one's plans. Letting go and seeking spiritual knowledge is a positive/healthy way to use the influence. Number 7 cards are usually associated with sacrifice in some way.
Since she is a 3 of Hearts born under the Sign of Sagittarius, her Planetary Sign Card (Natal Jupiter Card) is the 5 of Clubs. Her boyfriend was murdered during her 52 day Mercury Period and under her Planetary Sign Card she had the Jack of Diamonds Direct (signifying a man) and the 9 of Hearts Vertical, showing a loss of a person, or loved one.
Looking at her Yearly Chart under her Birth Card (3H) she had the King of Hearts in Saturn, this can indicate a warm loving man in her life, but under Saturn, there might be some difficulty with that person. If you notice the King of Hearts is displacing the Ace of Diamonds and in the box to the right is the 9 of Spades (one of the traditional death cards) is also displacing the Ace of Diamonds. This creates what is called in The Ancient Book of Time System a Mystic Reception. This connects these 2 cards by timing and the events/experiences created by them. In this case it can indicate a loss or completion (9S) with a warm loving man (KH). Another interesting configuration is the 9 of Spades (one of the traditional death cards) was also displacing the Ace of Hearts, a card that many times represents the self and she took her own life.
At the time of her death she was in her 52 day Venus Period and had the King of Clubs (most likely representing a man) with the 9 of Hearts Vertical (disappointment or loss of a loved one) which shows she was still deeply affected by the loss of her boy friend. In The Ancient Book of Time System, planetary motion and positions can trigger other cards within the chart as shown in the paragraph above.
Using the technique I discovered many years ago , the name Mindy McCready calculates out to the 7 of Hearts. Being the name she has been known by for quite some time, this vibration would have an important influence on her life. Being a Number 7, the Number of Neptune -- they can be prone to drug and alcohol problems and she was attending an outpatient program at the time of her death. This influence can also create many obstacles and challenges, along with sacrifices to be made in the area of relationships and that was evident, as well.