In the Name of the Pope
by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
I have made many new discoveries within the Card System, which led to the creation of what I call, The Ancient Book of Time. One of the most interesting of those discoveries is how to calculate what Card of a Name.
I simply assigned Card, or Solar Values to each letter, both small and capitals and then added those values together for each name. The total (usually over 52) is then reduced by increments of 52 until the remainder is 52 or less. (There are faster ways to calculate the value.) This gives us a Card, or Symbolic value for a name.
The word Pope will calculate out to the King of Clubs. The King of Clubs is the highest card in that Suit and represents someone high up in the areas of communication, information and knowledge – the perfect card for the Pope. Another technique I have worked out is to find the Planetary Ruling Card of the Name. For the word Pope it would be the 6 of Clubs, the John the Baptist Card. Interestingly, the 6 of Clubs falls in the Saturn Column (Authority) Neptune Line (Spiritual Matters).
We can also see some important correlations between the new Pope, his name and Card Charts and the Cards for the word Pope. I have talked of the Synastry Card before and its importance, many times defining the theme of the chart. In his Weekly Chart the week before he became Pope, the King of Clubs was his Synastry Card, the Card for the word Pope. With the vibration of this word coming into him, it may have set him up to be in serious contention for the position.
When he progressed to the next Plate for his Weekly Chart the week he became Pope, he had the 8 of Diamonds as his Synastry Card. The 8 of Diamonds sits dead center at the top in the Crown Line. This card can be the “Star of the Show” and usually brings with it much recognition and respect.
In the last article I revealed the full birth name Card for Pope ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) and it was the 6 of Clubs – quite amazing that the Planetary Ruling Card for the word Pope is also the 6 of Clubs.
Numerlogical notes:
In Chaldean Numerology, the word Pope is a 10/1, the 10 being a Number of success (as long as things are not done for selfish reasons) and it reduces to a “1", the Number of a Leader. I also mentioned in the last article the importance of the Numbers 4 and 8 and how they can be reflected at important times/events in people’s lives who are those numbers. Pope Francis the 1st was 76 at the time of becoming Pope and age 31 when he entered the Society of Jesus. Both 76 and 31 reduce to the Number 4.
As shown, the influence of the Card and Number of the Name can be important and revealing influences in one's life.
Thomas Morrell
Monday, March 25, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Pope Francis the 1st
by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, was elected Leader of the Catholic Church – Pope Francis 1st. He had some pretty impressive placements in the Yearly Chart to become Pope and as you will see with the Ancient Book of Time System, history does repeat itself.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on December 17, 1936, this would make him an Ace of Clubs. Ace of Clubs people have a strong desire to learn and know things and make very good teachers. He got a Masters Degree in Chemistry before pursuing his spiritual path. The Ace of Clubs is also one of the 4 Semi-Fixed Cards, meaning he is fixed in nature.
On March 13, 2013, he was chosen as the 266th Pope. He was 76 at the time, so we will look at the Plate 76. He was in his 52 day Venus Period and had the 6 of Clubs in that position. I have found couple of interesting things with this placement. First, it is displacing the 10 of Spades, the Card of Success and Accomplishment with work and life and forms a Mystic Reception with the 10 of Spades in Jupiter. So, we have two beneficial planets working together with a powerful success card.
The second interesting thing is that when using my Name/Card Calculation Technique is that his full birth name, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the 6 of Clubs. This is known as the John the Baptist Card, the Card of Truth. In the Ancient Book of Time System, I believe you can read the charts for the full birth name just as you can for the birth card. The name you are most known by, or nick names show more personality traits and I do not read charts for them.
In the 76th Plate the 6 of Clubs would have the 10 of Spades as the Venus Card (he was in his Venus Period) and as mentioned above, the 6 of Clubs was displacing the 10 of Spades, creating a powerful Mystic Reception.
His Planetary Number Card is the Ace of Spades and on Plate 76 it falls in the Jupiter Line/Jupiter Column – this is know as the “Blessed Position” and is a very fortunate placement.
History repeats itself.
What is unique about the Ace of Clubs is that in each plate, instead of moving around the plate as most cards do, it simply switches places with the 2 of Hearts. The 2 of Hearts is not only its Soul Card, but more of a Co-Card with the Ace of Clubs that can be read, as well. In my version of the Card System, I have doubled up the Plates as the first 45 are the same as the second 45, only the 2 pairs of Semi-Fixed Cards are switched.
If you noticed the numbers at the top of the plate are 31 and 76; these two plates are the same except for the Semi-Fixed cards as mentioned. Looking back in time what did Jorge Mario Bergoglio do at age 31? He entered the Society of Jesus almost to the day (March 11, 1958) to start his path to one day become Pope.
A Numerological Note: he was born on a Number 8 day. In Chaldean Numerology the Numbers 4 and 8 are known as the Numbers of Fate and Destiny. Many significant events will happen for those people on Number 4 and 8 days. He became Pope on March 13th – a Number 4 day.
by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, was elected Leader of the Catholic Church – Pope Francis 1st. He had some pretty impressive placements in the Yearly Chart to become Pope and as you will see with the Ancient Book of Time System, history does repeat itself.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on December 17, 1936, this would make him an Ace of Clubs. Ace of Clubs people have a strong desire to learn and know things and make very good teachers. He got a Masters Degree in Chemistry before pursuing his spiritual path. The Ace of Clubs is also one of the 4 Semi-Fixed Cards, meaning he is fixed in nature.
On March 13, 2013, he was chosen as the 266th Pope. He was 76 at the time, so we will look at the Plate 76. He was in his 52 day Venus Period and had the 6 of Clubs in that position. I have found couple of interesting things with this placement. First, it is displacing the 10 of Spades, the Card of Success and Accomplishment with work and life and forms a Mystic Reception with the 10 of Spades in Jupiter. So, we have two beneficial planets working together with a powerful success card.
The second interesting thing is that when using my Name/Card Calculation Technique is that his full birth name, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the 6 of Clubs. This is known as the John the Baptist Card, the Card of Truth. In the Ancient Book of Time System, I believe you can read the charts for the full birth name just as you can for the birth card. The name you are most known by, or nick names show more personality traits and I do not read charts for them.
In the 76th Plate the 6 of Clubs would have the 10 of Spades as the Venus Card (he was in his Venus Period) and as mentioned above, the 6 of Clubs was displacing the 10 of Spades, creating a powerful Mystic Reception.
His Planetary Number Card is the Ace of Spades and on Plate 76 it falls in the Jupiter Line/Jupiter Column – this is know as the “Blessed Position” and is a very fortunate placement.
History repeats itself.
What is unique about the Ace of Clubs is that in each plate, instead of moving around the plate as most cards do, it simply switches places with the 2 of Hearts. The 2 of Hearts is not only its Soul Card, but more of a Co-Card with the Ace of Clubs that can be read, as well. In my version of the Card System, I have doubled up the Plates as the first 45 are the same as the second 45, only the 2 pairs of Semi-Fixed Cards are switched.
If you noticed the numbers at the top of the plate are 31 and 76; these two plates are the same except for the Semi-Fixed cards as mentioned. Looking back in time what did Jorge Mario Bergoglio do at age 31? He entered the Society of Jesus almost to the day (March 11, 1958) to start his path to one day become Pope.
A Numerological Note: he was born on a Number 8 day. In Chaldean Numerology the Numbers 4 and 8 are known as the Numbers of Fate and Destiny. Many significant events will happen for those people on Number 4 and 8 days. He became Pope on March 13th – a Number 4 day.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
The Passing of Hugo Chavez
by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
Hugo Chavez was the some what controversial President of Venezuela and one of many South American Presidents moving that region of the world in a more socialist direction. He passed away on March 5, 2013 after a lengthy battle with Cancer.
Chavez was born on July 28, 1944 and would make him a King of Hearts. He was often criticized for his economic policies, but did much to help the poor in his country from it’s oil profits. I do not know enough whether his economic policies were good or not, but the taking care of the poor is a good quality of the King of Hearts as it is the Card of the Father and the highest Card in ruling from the heart.
At the time of his death he was 58 and was on Plate 58 for his Yearly Chart. There are a couple of significant placements worth looking at – first, he has the 9 of Spades as his Synastry Card. The Synastry Card shows us the energy coming into the chart and the 9 of Spades is one of the traditional death cards in the system. The Phoenix Card is the result of the Chart and in that position he had the Ace of Spades, another traditional death card.
His King of Hearts was displacing the 5 of Clubs and he had the 5 of Clubs in Saturn at the time of his passing. This is what I call a Mystic Reception and in this case, if nothing else, would be a timing trigger. If looking at his chart at his last birthday and seeing this I would have mentioned that there would most likely be a significant (Mystic Reception), difficult (Saturn) change (5C) coming during his 52 day Saturn Period.
The 28 day Lunar Chart (Plate 41) is a bit more interesting. His Synastry Card (energy coming in) in this chart is the 7 of Spades the card of health challenges, it is also displacing the Ace of Spades, one of the traditional death cards. He was in his 4 day Uranus Period at the time of his passing and had the 6 of Spades in that position, another death card.
His Neptune Card would be the Ace of Spades sitting in a powerful placement in the Plate known as the transformation box as both the 9 of Spades and 6 of Spades are the underlying cards for that position. Here you have all three death cards occupying the same box and linked by Reception to the 6 of Spades as the actual Card by timing. With someone in good health this could possibly be a powerful transformation in their work or life in some way. With Hugo Chavez it was a significant window that allowed him to pass on.
Many times when cards are in significant positions in larger charts, such as the Yearly Chart, when those cards are active in smaller charts, they can trigger the energy of that card in the larger chart – in this case the Ace of Spades.
Using the Letter/Card/Value and Name calculation technique I discovered/created many years ago, the name Hugo Chavez works out to the Queen of Hearts – Exalted Moon in Fire, the highest card of service in love.

by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
Hugo Chavez was the some what controversial President of Venezuela and one of many South American Presidents moving that region of the world in a more socialist direction. He passed away on March 5, 2013 after a lengthy battle with Cancer.
Chavez was born on July 28, 1944 and would make him a King of Hearts. He was often criticized for his economic policies, but did much to help the poor in his country from it’s oil profits. I do not know enough whether his economic policies were good or not, but the taking care of the poor is a good quality of the King of Hearts as it is the Card of the Father and the highest Card in ruling from the heart.
At the time of his death he was 58 and was on Plate 58 for his Yearly Chart. There are a couple of significant placements worth looking at – first, he has the 9 of Spades as his Synastry Card. The Synastry Card shows us the energy coming into the chart and the 9 of Spades is one of the traditional death cards in the system. The Phoenix Card is the result of the Chart and in that position he had the Ace of Spades, another traditional death card.
His King of Hearts was displacing the 5 of Clubs and he had the 5 of Clubs in Saturn at the time of his passing. This is what I call a Mystic Reception and in this case, if nothing else, would be a timing trigger. If looking at his chart at his last birthday and seeing this I would have mentioned that there would most likely be a significant (Mystic Reception), difficult (Saturn) change (5C) coming during his 52 day Saturn Period.
The 28 day Lunar Chart (Plate 41) is a bit more interesting. His Synastry Card (energy coming in) in this chart is the 7 of Spades the card of health challenges, it is also displacing the Ace of Spades, one of the traditional death cards. He was in his 4 day Uranus Period at the time of his passing and had the 6 of Spades in that position, another death card.
His Neptune Card would be the Ace of Spades sitting in a powerful placement in the Plate known as the transformation box as both the 9 of Spades and 6 of Spades are the underlying cards for that position. Here you have all three death cards occupying the same box and linked by Reception to the 6 of Spades as the actual Card by timing. With someone in good health this could possibly be a powerful transformation in their work or life in some way. With Hugo Chavez it was a significant window that allowed him to pass on.
Many times when cards are in significant positions in larger charts, such as the Yearly Chart, when those cards are active in smaller charts, they can trigger the energy of that card in the larger chart – in this case the Ace of Spades.
Using the Letter/Card/Value and Name calculation technique I discovered/created many years ago, the name Hugo Chavez works out to the Queen of Hearts – Exalted Moon in Fire, the highest card of service in love.

Saturday, March 2, 2013
The Passing of Bonnie Franklin
Bonnie Franklin passes
by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
Bonnie Franklin, most known for her role on the sitcom “One Day at a Time” passed away on March 1, 2013 from a long battle with pancreatic cancer.
Bonnie Franklin was born on January 6, 1944 making her an 8 of Spades. This is a powerful card in both work and health and it is a bit surprising that she has passed at the young age of 69. This is the card of a very hard worker and even though she did pass on, I am sure she did better and lasted longer than most would in her condition.
Looking at her Yearly Chart on Plate 69 she was in her 52 day Venus period at the time of her death and had the 4 of Hearts in that position. Both the 4 of Hearts and Venus can represent the home and that is where she passed on.
There is an interesting Mystic Reception with the Ace of Spades (one of the traditional death cards) in Uranus as it was displacing the 4 of Hearts. When one card is in play, if it is in reception to another card, it will bring that card into play, as well. The position of specific planets were in effect at the time to also trigger the Ace of Spades.( Mystic Receptions and Planetary position triggers are unique to The Ancient Book of Time System.)
Her Sun Card was displacing the Jack of Clubs and she had the Jack of Clubs as her Moon Card which was sitting in a powerful position in the Plate, what is called the “Transformation Box” as it displaces the other two tradtional death cards in the deck, the 6 of Spades and the 9 of Spades.
In her 91 day Seasonal Chart at the time of her passing, she was in her first Season of her 69th year and would be on Plate 6. On that Plate she had the 9 of Spades behind her as her Synastry Card. This Card defines the theme of the chart and the energy coming into her. As noted above the 9 of Spades is one of the traditional death cards.
She was also displacing the Ace of Spades (another death card) and was in her 13 day Saturn Period at the time, with the Ace of Hearts in that position. She had another Mystic Reception in play here as the Ace of Hearts was displacing the 6 of Spades (traditional death card) and had the 6 of Spades in Uranus
In her Lunar Chart she was in her 4 day Neptune Period and had the 2 of Spades in that position. The 2 of Spades in itself is not a death influence but the Ace of Hearts in the Seasonal Chart was also displacing the 2 of Spades, therefore making it at the very least a timing trigger for the Seasonal Chart.
March 1st is her Uranus Day in her weekly chart and had the 3 of Clubs there and it was displacing the Ace of Spades.
As mentioned earlier the 8 of Spades is a powerful card for both work and health, but in this case the odds were just to great for the circumstances and Bonnie Franklin passed on.

by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
Bonnie Franklin, most known for her role on the sitcom “One Day at a Time” passed away on March 1, 2013 from a long battle with pancreatic cancer.
Bonnie Franklin was born on January 6, 1944 making her an 8 of Spades. This is a powerful card in both work and health and it is a bit surprising that she has passed at the young age of 69. This is the card of a very hard worker and even though she did pass on, I am sure she did better and lasted longer than most would in her condition.
Looking at her Yearly Chart on Plate 69 she was in her 52 day Venus period at the time of her death and had the 4 of Hearts in that position. Both the 4 of Hearts and Venus can represent the home and that is where she passed on.
There is an interesting Mystic Reception with the Ace of Spades (one of the traditional death cards) in Uranus as it was displacing the 4 of Hearts. When one card is in play, if it is in reception to another card, it will bring that card into play, as well. The position of specific planets were in effect at the time to also trigger the Ace of Spades.( Mystic Receptions and Planetary position triggers are unique to The Ancient Book of Time System.)
Her Sun Card was displacing the Jack of Clubs and she had the Jack of Clubs as her Moon Card which was sitting in a powerful position in the Plate, what is called the “Transformation Box” as it displaces the other two tradtional death cards in the deck, the 6 of Spades and the 9 of Spades.
In her 91 day Seasonal Chart at the time of her passing, she was in her first Season of her 69th year and would be on Plate 6. On that Plate she had the 9 of Spades behind her as her Synastry Card. This Card defines the theme of the chart and the energy coming into her. As noted above the 9 of Spades is one of the traditional death cards.
She was also displacing the Ace of Spades (another death card) and was in her 13 day Saturn Period at the time, with the Ace of Hearts in that position. She had another Mystic Reception in play here as the Ace of Hearts was displacing the 6 of Spades (traditional death card) and had the 6 of Spades in Uranus
In her Lunar Chart she was in her 4 day Neptune Period and had the 2 of Spades in that position. The 2 of Spades in itself is not a death influence but the Ace of Hearts in the Seasonal Chart was also displacing the 2 of Spades, therefore making it at the very least a timing trigger for the Seasonal Chart.
March 1st is her Uranus Day in her weekly chart and had the 3 of Clubs there and it was displacing the Ace of Spades.
As mentioned earlier the 8 of Spades is a powerful card for both work and health, but in this case the odds were just to great for the circumstances and Bonnie Franklin passed on.

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