by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, was elected Leader of the Catholic Church – Pope Francis 1st. He had some pretty impressive placements in the Yearly Chart to become Pope and as you will see with the Ancient Book of Time System, history does repeat itself.
Jorge Mario Bergoglio was born on December 17, 1936, this would make him an Ace of Clubs. Ace of Clubs people have a strong desire to learn and know things and make very good teachers. He got a Masters Degree in Chemistry before pursuing his spiritual path. The Ace of Clubs is also one of the 4 Semi-Fixed Cards, meaning he is fixed in nature.
On March 13, 2013, he was chosen as the 266th Pope. He was 76 at the time, so we will look at the Plate 76. He was in his 52 day Venus Period and had the 6 of Clubs in that position. I have found couple of interesting things with this placement. First, it is displacing the 10 of Spades, the Card of Success and Accomplishment with work and life and forms a Mystic Reception with the 10 of Spades in Jupiter. So, we have two beneficial planets working together with a powerful success card.
The second interesting thing is that when using my Name/Card Calculation Technique is that his full birth name, Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the 6 of Clubs. This is known as the John the Baptist Card, the Card of Truth. In the Ancient Book of Time System, I believe you can read the charts for the full birth name just as you can for the birth card. The name you are most known by, or nick names show more personality traits and I do not read charts for them.
In the 76th Plate the 6 of Clubs would have the 10 of Spades as the Venus Card (he was in his Venus Period) and as mentioned above, the 6 of Clubs was displacing the 10 of Spades, creating a powerful Mystic Reception.
His Planetary Number Card is the Ace of Spades and on Plate 76 it falls in the Jupiter Line/Jupiter Column – this is know as the “Blessed Position” and is a very fortunate placement.
History repeats itself.
What is unique about the Ace of Clubs is that in each plate, instead of moving around the plate as most cards do, it simply switches places with the 2 of Hearts. The 2 of Hearts is not only its Soul Card, but more of a Co-Card with the Ace of Clubs that can be read, as well. In my version of the Card System, I have doubled up the Plates as the first 45 are the same as the second 45, only the 2 pairs of Semi-Fixed Cards are switched.
If you noticed the numbers at the top of the plate are 31 and 76; these two plates are the same except for the Semi-Fixed cards as mentioned. Looking back in time what did Jorge Mario Bergoglio do at age 31? He entered the Society of Jesus almost to the day (March 11, 1958) to start his path to one day become Pope.
A Numerological Note: he was born on a Number 8 day. In Chaldean Numerology the Numbers 4 and 8 are known as the Numbers of Fate and Destiny. Many significant events will happen for those people on Number 4 and 8 days. He became Pope on March 13th – a Number 4 day.