by Thomas Morrell
copyright 2013
all rights reserved
Hugo Chavez was the some what controversial President of Venezuela and one of many South American Presidents moving that region of the world in a more socialist direction. He passed away on March 5, 2013 after a lengthy battle with Cancer.
Chavez was born on July 28, 1944 and would make him a King of Hearts. He was often criticized for his economic policies, but did much to help the poor in his country from it’s oil profits. I do not know enough whether his economic policies were good or not, but the taking care of the poor is a good quality of the King of Hearts as it is the Card of the Father and the highest Card in ruling from the heart.
At the time of his death he was 58 and was on Plate 58 for his Yearly Chart. There are a couple of significant placements worth looking at – first, he has the 9 of Spades as his Synastry Card. The Synastry Card shows us the energy coming into the chart and the 9 of Spades is one of the traditional death cards in the system. The Phoenix Card is the result of the Chart and in that position he had the Ace of Spades, another traditional death card.
His King of Hearts was displacing the 5 of Clubs and he had the 5 of Clubs in Saturn at the time of his passing. This is what I call a Mystic Reception and in this case, if nothing else, would be a timing trigger. If looking at his chart at his last birthday and seeing this I would have mentioned that there would most likely be a significant (Mystic Reception), difficult (Saturn) change (5C) coming during his 52 day Saturn Period.
The 28 day Lunar Chart (Plate 41) is a bit more interesting. His Synastry Card (energy coming in) in this chart is the 7 of Spades the card of health challenges, it is also displacing the Ace of Spades, one of the traditional death cards. He was in his 4 day Uranus Period at the time of his passing and had the 6 of Spades in that position, another death card.
His Neptune Card would be the Ace of Spades sitting in a powerful placement in the Plate known as the transformation box as both the 9 of Spades and 6 of Spades are the underlying cards for that position. Here you have all three death cards occupying the same box and linked by Reception to the 6 of Spades as the actual Card by timing. With someone in good health this could possibly be a powerful transformation in their work or life in some way. With Hugo Chavez it was a significant window that allowed him to pass on.
Many times when cards are in significant positions in larger charts, such as the Yearly Chart, when those cards are active in smaller charts, they can trigger the energy of that card in the larger chart – in this case the Ace of Spades.
Using the Letter/Card/Value and Name calculation technique I discovered/created many years ago, the name Hugo Chavez works out to the Queen of Hearts – Exalted Moon in Fire, the highest card of service in love.