Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Paris Attacks

On November 13th, 2015, 130 people were killed and hundreds wounded in Paris after an attack claimed by ISIS. As shown in the new book “The God Clock – a new look at the passage of time” even locations have their circles of time unfolding and in this case, the current Republic of France was formed on 9/22/1792, which is the point its circles started unfolding. Using The Ancient Book of Time* we can look to specific time markers and periods/symbols within it, to see the influences present at the time of this event.

With the Republic of France being formed on 9/22, the symbol represented by this day is the 2 of Clubs. While we could go into a complete Natal delineation of the 2 of Clubs, in this article we are more concerned with the events that occurred recently.

France is currently 223 years old and within its current 28 year Saturn Chart it is in its 4 year Neptune Period. It has the 4 of Clubs in that position and what it interesting is not the 4 of Clubs in and of itself, but that it is tied to the Pluto Card (the Jack of Clubs)*, which is displacing the 4 of Hearts, which just happens to be the card for the name* ISIS.

In the 7 Year Chart in effect now France is in its 1 Year Neptune Period. The Card in this position is the 8 of Spades – this is a card of power, force and healing, which France is doing now. Another interesting aspect at play here is the 8 of Spades is also displacing the 4 of Hearts. Again the card of the name of ISIS.

In its current Yearly Chart, France was in its 52 day Venus Period at the time of the event and had the Ace of Spades in that position, the card of a powerful transformation. It is also one of the traditional death cards in the system. The Ace of Spades was displacing the 2 of Clubs, the Birth Card of France, creating a trigger for the event.*

Looking at France’s 91 day Seasonal Chart it was in its 13 day Saturn Period. Saturn Periods can be tough and in this position was the 4 of Hearts, again, the card of the name for ISIS. What makes it even more impressive is the 4 of Hearts was displacing the Jack of Clubs, the card is it was linked to in the 28 Year Chart! The 2 of Clubs was also sitting in the 2 of Diamonds box in this chart – we will get into that significance in a moment.

In the 28 Day Lunar Chart, France was in its 4 day Neptune Period and had the 7 of Clubs there, the card of anxiety, as well as, challenges and obstacles. The Saturn Card for the 28 Day Chart was the 9 of Spades, difficult loss and another traditional death card in the system.

In the 7 Day Weekly Chart, there was something very interesting at play, on November 13th France was its Jupiter Day for the week and in the Jupiter position was the 2 of Diamonds. The interesting part was that in the Seasonal Chart, France was displacing the 2 of Diamonds, so when this day/card came along it acted as a trigger. Another interesting aspect is that the 2 of Diamonds, in the Weekly Chart was sitting up in the center of the Crown Line, bringing with it much attention – unfortunately for a bad reason.

While there is more depth and layers to this event as revealed in the Card System, a quick glance shows us the significant symbols and placements involved at the time of this tragic event and the importance of the Card of the Name, as well.*

* Receptions, Displacements, Triggers, Cards of Names, etc. are all part of The Ancient Book of Time and discoveries of Thomas Morrell. The 364 Year, 28 Year, 91 Day, 28 Day and 7 Day Charts are also just some of his other remarkable discoveries, as well. You can learn more about these in his Books and teachings.

Friday, October 16, 2015

A new book by Thomas Morrell

The God Clock, a new look at the passage of time, is a remarkable new book that not only takes a different look at Time itself, but also goes into various calendars, structures and symbols from the past, to reveal not only the basis of Time, but the important message about it the ancients have left us.

Chapter 1 uncovers the structure of time and that it is unfolding in 4 different ways at once (linear, cyclic, proportional and within a circle) in the mechanism known as The God Clock. A lost Star/Time Code is also revealed, which lays the foundation for Chapter 2 where the author takes a look at and questions the modern interpretation of the Mayan and Aztec Calendars along with the questionable, validity of the Date 12/21/2012. Are the old calculations correct, or do new ones point to a different place we are at, in Time?

In Chapter 3 we look deeper into the mathematical basis of both the Great Pyramid in Egypt and the Mayan Pyramid “El Castillo” to see that not only Time is built into it, but to understand the message of the builders of these great monuments – the path, or journey of the soul through Time and our possible destination within it. The author proposes the potential origins of both of these structures and to verify possible connections we have, others have made regarding distant points out in our Galaxy.

An ancient, symbolic, astronomical system is unveiled in Chapter 4, showing the reader part of the intricate, detailed and mathematical path we are all on. It shows how we are all connected and that events and people coming in and out of our lives, do not happen by accident. Did you know when you meet someone, that 4 circles of Time are intersecting at once?

While it is shown in the previous chapters that this system is encoded in both the ancient calendars and the two pyramids mentioned. Chapter 5 reveals how the mathematical basis of it, and Time, are actually hidden within the Masonic Symbol and how even our Alphabet is woven within it, as well as, with the Heavens above.

After laying out the foundation and understanding of Time, along with the possible corrections made to the Mayan and Aztec Calenders, in Chapter 6 the author lays out Time in much larger, proportional blocks in what is called the Mayan Time Grids. A few important events are delineated within these Time overlays to illustrate and understand the environment created in order for them to happen. After this, Chapter 6 goes into past, present and future planetary Ages (The Industrial Age, The Age of Dreams and Oil, The Information Age and The Age of Beauty and Art) to not only show their important influence, but to see where we have been, where we are and where we are going – in Time.

Finally in Chapter 7, we take a deeper look into The God Clock and its workings to better understand our path and lives. Along with proving that the Native Americans have always been right in their belief “every thing is a circle.” Also, revealing what the true purpose of Time is and what might happen when and if Time ends.

Through understanding Time – its structure, how it works and that it is a fabric that we are literally woven into, the biblical passage within Ecclesiastes is quite profound.

“To everything there is a Season, a Time and Purpose under Heaven.....”

Now available on Amazon Kindle Books

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

New Book!

I am proud to announce the release of my new book "The God Clock..a new look at the passage of time"
Currently it is on Kindle and should soon be available in paperback.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Whats In Store for 2015?

2015 by the Cards and Numbers
by Thomas Morrell

So what does the Year 2015 have in store for us? Let’s look at the Numbers and Cards to get a better look and understanding of what’s ahead.

2015 is a Number 8 Year (2+0+1+5=8) and 8 is the Number of Saturn. In things mundane, Saturn rules institutions that create rules, laws and also restrictions. It represents authority, conservative forces and people and/or things resistant to change.

Just from the Number alone we can see that 2015 will not be an easy year, as it is ruled by Saturn. Looking at it from living in America, both the House and Senate are now controlled by the Conservatives. My guess is that they will want to keep things as they are and try and restrict any progress, especially in regards to helping people. In the World as a whole, conservative forces will prevail, for good and bad. Even with Pope Francis trying to steer the Vatican/Catholics in a more compassionate direction, he is encountering resistance from the powers that be within it. This would likely happen for the Pope no matter what Number of the Year, but we haven’t heard too much about the opposition until a Number 8 Year rolled around.

While the Numeric Value of a Year can tell us something about it, knowing it’s Symbolic Value will add even more to the story. Using a similar technique as calculating the Card of a Name that I discovered years ago, we can easily determine the Card Value of Numbers larger than 52. This gives us the Symbolic Value of a Number. 2015 then calculates out to 39, the Solar Value of the King of Diamonds, Exalted Jupiter in Earth.

This is the highest Card in the Suit of Diamonds which rules money, financial matters, things we value and things of worth. It is also the only “one eyed” King in the deck and many who are this card see things in a limited way, or maybe even only their way.

Seeing this Card in mundane matters versus being the Card of an actual person, it would represent financial matters, banks, financial institutions and corporations (Diamonds representing money), along with possible religious views and institutions (Diamonds representing values.) Court Cards do represent qualities of people and the King of Diamonds may in fact also represent bankers, people of wealth, religious leaders, and even elected Government officials.

Since conservative forces rule under this influence (Saturn), corporations, financial institutions, religious leaders/causes, etc., will be getting their way even more and I would think even our freedoms and life style will be restricted to a greater extent than before.

Each Card has a Life, or Natal Chart similar to a Natal Chart in Astrology and since it is a Saturn Year, we can also look at the Saturn Card of the King of Diamonds, which is the 8 of Clubs. Again, 8 is the Number of Saturn so with the 8 of Clubs, we have even more Saturn influence upon the Year. Clubs is the Element of Air and would rule communications, ideas and information, with the restrictive, authorative influence of Saturn, the powers that be will be trying to limit things (Saturn) in the areas mentioned along with telling us THEIR view (King of Diamonds) on how things are and should be. In the Life Plate the 8 of Clubs falls in the Neptune Column and we are being told by the powers that be that the economy has improved, Wall Street is doing great and life is better in general. While that may be true on a small scale, with the influence of Neptune is it just an illusion – are they hiding from us what is really going on?

The King of Diamonds falls in the Mars Line/Venus Column – along with Saturn playing a big, restrictive role in the Year, Mars and Venus would have some effect, as well. Look for continued war and military profiteering, war on the people through the police force and a continued war on women. Five bills have already been introduced into the House to restrict abortions even more and to restrict funds for women’s health.

The King of Diamonds under a Saturn Year could be very positive – it could work to bring solid financial success, especially in regards to real estate, mining and agriculture. Honorable Spiritual leaders could come to the forefront and help steer the world in a more positive direction. The Mars/Venus position would possibly influence equal pay for women in the work place and better health services available to them. The 8 of Clubs could bring strength and teachings through communication and information. With it’s Neptune position dissolve barriers in having information available (net neutrality) and barriers between people, nations and groups so that communications between them would open up for a better world.

I am sure all of these positives mentioned are possible and will be in the conversation, but in our current environment of power and greed at this time, it is highly unlikely. Our world along with our own lives unfold in periods and cycles and we are simply going through them and evolving, obviously very slowly.

But wait until 2016, it will be a Number 9 Year, the Number of Mars which rules war, action, endings and loss and the Symbol for the Year will be the Ace of Spades, the Card of Death and Transformation. Should be a very interesting year.

*About the Author:

Thomas Morrell has been studying and using the card system for over 24 years. In the mid to late 1990's he has made some incredible discoveries regarding the System, including newer ones since.

Understanding the basis of the rate of progression through the 90 Plates, which revealed 5 new Charts; the 364 Year Chart (the real Life Chart), the 28 Year Saturn Chart, the 91 Day Seasonal Chart, the 28 Day Lunar Chart and the true 7 Day Weekly Chart. Previously only the 91 Year, 7 Year and Yearly were known.

Created the Alphabet/Card Value Key so one can calculate the Card for any Name and along with this, how to determine the Planetary Ruling Card for a Name.

The System’s intimate connection with Chaldean Numerology and through this discovering the true Planetary Sign Card for those born under the Sign of Leo and Cancer and the discovery of the Planetary Number Card, along with daily triggers within the Weekly Charts, other than the Direct Card. Understanding more deeply the meaning and essence of each Card through it’s Number and Planetary association from the Aces to the Kings.

Mystic Receptions that not only happen within the same Chart, but across Charts in effect at the same time, causing important triggers for events and situations.

Mystic Conjunctions that happen when the same Plate is in effect in different Charts at the same time and can also happen with the same card in effect in different Charts in different Plates.

Recognizing the Card behind the Birth, or Planetary Sign Card as the Synastry/Theme card and it’s important role in the Chart.

The Mathematical formula on which the System and the configuration of the 90 Plates are based.

Created an Aspectarian to show the aspect (Square, Opposition, etc.) each Card makes to the Zodiac Sign a person is born under.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Passing of Mario Cuomo

Mario Cuomo

©2015 by Thomas Morrell

The former Governor of New York died Thursday January 1st of a heart attack. The Mystic Receptions within his Yearly Chart, show why they can be so important in the timing of events. First let’s look at some other Charts at the time of his death.

In his 28 Year Chart, he was in his Neptune Period and had the 9 of Hearts in that position. The 9 of Hearts usually represents a loss, disappointment or ending in love, or with people.

In his 7 Year Chart he had the King of Spades in Uranus – I call the King of Spades the God Card as through my discovery and creation of the Name Card technique, the first word I used it on was God and it came out the King of Spades, the highest Card in the deck. I have seen when people pass on, the God Card is present, perhaps representing a returning to God.

In his Lunar Chart he was in his 4 Day Mercury Period and had the King of Spades, again the God Card and under Mercury, the event could happen very quick. It makes a Mystic Conjunction with the King of Spades in Uranus in the 7 Year Chart, the Uranus energy would make it unexpected, as well. Lunar Charts are 28 Days long and Mario Cuomo’s Birth Card was sitting dead center atop the Crown Line, bringing him prominence and recognition at this time.

In his 91 Day Seasonal Chart he was in his 13 Day Venus Period and had the 8 of Hearts in that position. The 8 of Hearts is a powerful Heart Card governed by Saturn and by itself could possibly signify a heart attack. It was displacing the JC/JD tying it by Mystic Reception to the 7 of Spades (health challenges) that was displacing the JD/3S. The 7 of Spades is also the Inner Soul Card to the 8 or Hearts, making the connection a little more important.

In his Weekly Chart, it was his Jupiter Day and under his Birth Card (2D) he had the 9 of Hearts in that position creating a Mystic Conjunction with the 9 of Hearts in the 28 Year Chart. Under his Planetary Sign Card he had the 9 of Spades, one of the traditional Death Cards.

In his Yearly Chart he was in his 52 Day Jupiter Period and had the 5 of Spades in that position, this can indicate a change in one’s health. Using another technique discovered by Thomas Morrell, his Saturn Card would also come into play. He had the 4 of Clubs in that position and while the 4 of Club in and of itself is not really a card of health concern, it was displacing the 7 of Spades which creates not only a Mystic Conjunction with the 7 of Spades in the Seasonal Chart, but also a Mystic Reception to the 7 of Spades in the Moon position within the Yearly Chart. The 7 Spades the Moon Card for the year was displacing the 6 of Spades, another of the traditional Death Cards in the system.

It easy to see with the Cards present at the time of this event, it created the window for his Soul to move on to his next adventure.

*About the Author:

Thomas Morrell has been studying and using the card system for over 24 years. In the mid to late 1990's he has made some incredible discoveries regarding the System, including newer ones since.

Understanding the basis of the rate of progression through the 90 Plates, which revealed 5 new Charts; the 364 Year Chart (the real Life Chart), the 28 Year Saturn Chart, the 91 Day Seasonal Chart, the 28 Day Lunar Chart and the true 7 Day Weekly Chart. Previously only the 91 Year, 7 Year and Yearly were known.

Created the Alphabet/Card Value Key so one can calculate the Card for any Name and along with this, how to determine the Planetary Ruling Card for a Name.

The System’s intimate connection with Chaldean Numerology and through this discovering the true Planetary Sign Card for those born under the Sign of Leo and Cancer and the discovery of the Planetary Number Card, along with daily triggers within the Weekly Charts, other than the Direct Card. Understanding more deeply the meaning and essence of each Card through it’s Number and Planetary association from the Aces to the Kings.

Mystic Receptions that not only happen within the same Chart, but across Charts in effect at the same time, causing important triggers for events and situations.

Mystic Conjunctions that happen when the same Plate is in effect in different Charts at the same time and can also happen with the same card in effect in different Charts in different Plates.

Recognizing the Card behind the Birth, or Planetary Sign Card as the Synastry/Theme card and it’s important role in the Chart.

The Mathematical formula on which the System and the configuration of the 90 Plates are based.

Created an Aspectarian to show the aspect (Square, Opposition, etc.) each Card makes to the Zodiac Sign a person is born under.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Ferguson Part 2 Darren Wilson

Ferguson Part 2

©2014 by Thomas Morrell

We have looked at Michael Brown’s Cards at the time of his shooting, now let’s look at the Cards for Darren Wilson, the officer who shot him.

Darren Wilson was born on 5/14/1986. The Birth Card for this day is the 5 of Diamonds, being a Taurus his Planetary Sign Card* is the Jack of Clubs and his Planetary Number Card* is the Queen of Spades. The Card for the Name* Darren Wilson is the 9 of Spades.

Looking at Darren Wilson’s 28 year Chart we can see that he was displacing the Ace of Hearts this year. When you displace a Card you can take on the qualities of that Card, displacing the Ace of Hearts can cause one to be more focused on themselves. His Sun Return Card, the Card that has returned to his Natal 5 of Diamonds position is the 10 of Spades. Number 10 Cards many times can represent not only success but control, as well. These two placements may have very likely set up the nature of Darren Wilson for the event (8/9/2014) – he was focused on himself and his safety and wanted to be in control of the environment (Sun Return Card) around him.

At the time of the shooting, he was in his 52 Venus Period and had the 4 of Spades as the Direct Card. While the 4 of Spades is generally a stable card, 4's can also represent a rebuilding and in Spades be involved with work and career. As mentioned in Ferguson Part 1 using an old Chaldean Numerology Technique* the Uranus Card comes into play during this time and Darren had the 9 of Hearts in that position. The 9 of Hearts indicates disappointment, or loss regarding people or a person. In Uranus it could be very unexpected, explosive, or even an accident.

Under Darren Wilson’s Planetary Sign Card (The Jack of Clubs) we can see on Plate 28 he is displacing the Ace of Spades, one of the traditional Death Cards in the system. At the time of the shooting, he had the 7 of Diamonds in Venus. The 7 of Diamonds is the co-card of the 9 of Hearts and the two are closely tied together.

In his 91 Day Seasonal Chart* on Plate 22, Wilson was in his 13 Day Neptune Period and had the Jack of Clubs in that position. Court Cards usually represent people we are dealing with and Jacks can indicate younger persons (Michael Brown). With Neptune present, Darren Wilson may not have been seeing things clearly. Under his Planetary Sign Card* he has the 3 of Spades, magnification of a work issue and it is sitting in what we call the powerful Transformation Box as it is displacing the 9 of Spades and 6 of Spades, both traditional Death Cards in the system.

Looking at his 28 Day Lunar Chart* on Plate 7 we can see the Synastry or Theme Card* is the 7 of Hearts indicating their will be some challenging relationships in his Month ahead. Even though it was his 4 Day Mercury Period (Mercury does rule younger people) from another discovery by Thomas Morrell his Uranus Card would also come into play at this time. He has the 10 of Spades in that position which as mentioned in his 28 Year Chart can indicate control issues. The 10 of Spades was also displacing the 10 of Diamonds, the Outer Soul Card of Michael Brown.There was also a Mystic Reception* with his Birth Card and the 2 of Clubs, as it was displacing the 5 of Diamonds. This is also the Sun Return Card for the his Lunar Chart which describes the environment around him. The 2 of Clubs could indicate this would be possible fear or arguments.

The Moon Card in any chart is important as it represents our security, or what we are drawn to. In his Lunar Chart at that time Darren Wilson had the Queen of Clubs in the Moon position, the Card of Michael Brown. What makes it even more important is that the Queen of Clubs is displacing the King of Clubs in the Life Plate, the same position of the Jack of Clubs in Neptune in his 91 Day Seasonal Chart. The forms a Mystic Reception across Charts*, which have proven to be significant, especially in the timing of events.

Looking at his 7 Day Weekly Chart was actually on the same Plate as his Yearly Chart, Plate 28. When the same Plates or Cards line up in different Charts, this is called a Mystic Conjuntion* and just like Mystic Receptions* can create the energy for the timing and triggering of events.

It was Darren Wilson’s Jupiter Day and he had the Queen of Hearts in that Position, the Queen of Hearts is the double Neptune Card in the Life Plate, so there can be some illusion or fantasy present. Queens can also represent women and he may have been thinking strongly about an important woman in his life. It was also displacing the 5 of Diamonds (his Birth Card) so there was another Mystic Reception* present at the time of the event.

It was also a Mars ruled day by the Number, Mars rules action, war and aggression and he had the Queen of Spades in that position. The Queen of Spades can also represent a woman, but also a sense of high self mastery, in which Darren Wilson may have felt he needed to use in that situation.

Finally, through another of Thomas Morrell’s discoveries, we are able to calculate what Card a Name is and the name, Darren Wilson is a 9 of Spades, again one of the Traditional Death Cards. Although 9's are usually associated with disappointment or loss, but as a person, 9 is the Number of Mars, the planet of energy and war. People then, who are the 9 of Spades, either by their Birth date, or Name can put a lot of energy into their work and/or be combative at times.

The shooting of Michael Brown was a tragic event and there maybe even more, bigger reasons behind it, but by looking at both Michael Brown’s and Darren Wilson’s Charts/Cards we can see significant energies were in place in order for it to happen.

*About the Author:

Thomas Morrell has been studying and using the card system for over 24 years. In the mid to late 1990's he has made some incredible discoveries regarding the System, including newer ones since.

Understanding the basis of the rate of progression through the 90 Plates, which revealed 5 new Charts; the 364 Year Chart (the real Life Chart), the 28 Year Saturn Chart, the 91 Day Seasonal Chart, the 28 Day Lunar Chart and the true 7 Day Weekly Chart. Previously only the 91 Year, 7 Year and Yearly were known.

Created the Alphabet/Card Value Key so one can calculate the Card for any Name and along with this, how to determine the Planetary Ruling Card for a Name.

The System’s intimate connection with Chaldean Numerology and through this discovering the true Planetary Sign Card for those born under the Sign of Leo and Cancer and the discovery of the Planetary Number Card, along with daily triggers within the Weekly Charts, other than the Direct Card. Understanding more deeply the meaning and essence of each Card through it’s Number and Planetary association from the Aces to the Kings.

Mystic Receptions that not only happen within the same Chart, but across Charts in effect at the same time, causing important triggers for events and situations.

Mystic Conjunctions that happen when the same Plate is in effect in different Charts at the same time and can also happen with the same card in effect in different Charts in different Plates.

Recognizing the Card behind the Birth, or Planetary Sign Card as the Synastry/Theme card and it’s important role in the Chart.

The Mathematical formula on which the System and the configuration of the 90 Plates are based.

Created an Aspectarian to show the aspect (Square, Opposition, etc.) each Card makes to the Zodiac Sign a person is born under.